After 41 years of growing strawberries and peas we have made the decision to retire and CLOSE our U-PICK strawberry farm. 2020 was our last U-pick strawberry season
open to the public. Randy will continue to farm growing other cash crops. We have chosen to spend more time with our family.
Thank-you, to all of or family and friends for your support over the last 41 years. We also want to give a big thank-you to our customers for your patronage
and loyalty. For the strawberry farm farm nearest you, visit: www.wiberries.org.
Again, thank-you for letting us provide you with natures's finest fruit!! Always remember U-pick'em, U-love em!
Randy and Linda Walvoord and family
The Walvoords' and their employees welcome you to the
Strawberry Farm. We take pride in growing acres of Nature's Health Food
and are happy to serve you and the area with large delicious strawberries. Check us out on Facebook for more information
Open 7 Days a Week during picking season
Monday through Friday 7:00am-6:00pm
Saturdays and Sunday 7:00am-5:00pm. Call ahead for exact picking dates and times.
Times subject to change
Located 1 Mile north of CEDAR GROVE
on SMIES ROAD IN SHEBOYGAN COUNTY Click right to enlarge
Oostburg, WI
Call the STRAWBERRY HOTLINE for picking
dates and times
(920) 668-6481
We have easy picking in our strawed rows.
Berries can be picked from both the right and left sides of the rows. Please
stay in your assigned row. An employee can give you another row after you
have finished. Any questions you have can be directed at an employee
stationed at the beginning of the field. If you would like pre-picked
strawberries, they are available in the check-out building. We also send
vehicles to various locations with our pre-picked berries.
here to
find the location nearest to you! Be sure to print out the coupon for
5 cents off per pound. See link on the top left.
Copyright © 2015
Walvoord's Berry Farm, LLC
All Rights Reserved
Photos © 2000-2002 Tess Campbell,
2005 Katie Walvoord & Barb Claerbout All Rights Reserved